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A Tribute to Mr. Bill Amsler

If you were privileged enough to have known Mr. Bill, then
you would know he was a very special person indeed. He was
by far the best Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather
of all times.

He never ran for office or had his name in lights, but then he
didn't need to, because the whole town knew him as "Mr. Bill.
Many just called him "Paw Paw".

He didn't have big material things or a big bank account, but
you knew he had a great big heart, because he never denied help
to anyone, friend or family.

He had that laid back, quiet way about him. We used to laugh
about how he could watch TV while a 3-ring circus was going on
in front of him and never be fazed by it, but we knew he noticed a
a lot more of what was going on that he let on.

He was not a religious man, but there was no doubt he was a
Christian through and through. That was apparent from the way
he treated our Mother. He adored her and showed it many times
as he kissed her sweetly on the cheek when times got rough.

They were never apart in 65 years of marriage until Oct. 16, 2002
when she passed away and April 1, 2003 when he left to be with
her once again.

So, he is now resting peacefully beside the woman he loved, but
he will remain in our hearts and minds forever as our beloved
Daddy, PawPaw and "Mr. Bill."


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Tribute to W. T.(Bill) Amsler
Contributed by Tella Amsler

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