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Reunion 1973

Family reunion in Austin on Thanksgiving 1973 at Phil's archery lane building (also held in 1974 - but no photos available If you recognize by name those in the photo that are not shown below image, let Sammy know so that the names can be matched with those in the photos. Sammy and Larie apparently were in Stanton for Thanksgiving as we are not in photos.



Up front is Tommy, son and wife, on first row Tea 2 daughters,Jeanine sister Donna siblings of Leon and Lillian Kurk and their children, Tea, and husband to one of the daughters and unkown with boy in lap. Back row lady with glasses unknown, Dana, West, Phil, next 3 unkown, Marjorie and Phi Bates, leon Kurk behind Phil, Phil Bates son, and kathryn with her youngest son at extreme right. If you can fill in the blanks, please let me know.

reunion73b466x472.jpg (a second shot)

First row left to right, Jeanine Aunt T and Donna's husband, Donna and children
next row is Dana next row are one unknown and Phil, lady unknow, Marjorie, her husband Bates and his son, then Kathryn.
In back row is West, three unkowns and last two in back row are Leon Kurk and Ron
(Jeanine and Donna are siblings of Leon and Lillian Kurk in shiner)

reunion1965 Photos also available at:

1973 Thanksgiving

left to right Dana, West, Tea, Phil .

1973 thanksgiving


left to right West, Dana, Leon and Tea kurc and Phil .

1973 thanksgiving


left to right Dana, West, Tea, Phil

1973 thanksgiving




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